The Lore Observer

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Drago Vitrauze

“Hey, it's Drago Vitrauze. I'm a field medic and healing magic expert, sort of. Even though I'm only 41, I feel like the grandpa of this goddamn ship.

Velvet, our only crew member with actual military training, pulled me into this crazy business. The other guy, Blake, is our pilot, and he's just a young kid with exceptional skills for his age. We all pray he doesn't get involved in anything too dangerous when we land.

Truth is, going back and forth from the Exclusion Zone is a terrible, terrible idea. We all know it. We bring back some valuable junk, mutated magical crap, sometimes even on commission, but it's just a slow collective suicide. I can sense the bloody aberrations are going to kill us, and it's only a matter of time before they catch up with us. And don't even get me started on crossing the border twice per journey. The border patrol knows us well, and we can only hope they turn a blind eye for as long as the Republic keeps the wages low.

I used to think being a criminal would be easy. Well, it's too late for regrets now. Once I pay off my debts, I'm getting the hell out of here.