Sezgin Galdha, Marshal of the Revolution


From: Maddilya Herrera, Commander of the Ironleaf Sentinels

To: [Recipient is missing.]

I hoped I would have never had to say this, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

As promised though, here's our report from the latest incursion.

A month ago, our scouts detected two prospector squads in the northern Tealwoods, coming from the city of Faeras. It was just a matter of time before they would have ventured near the border to extract resources from the forest. Not that they really needed any, as supplies from Vheira and Kathard are coming regularly. There's a chance they were provoking us.

I immediately mobilized the Ironleaf Sentinels and ordered a small group to keep an eye on the prospectors movements.

Six days later, a larger convoy from Faeras has been detected. They moved a good amount of excavation machinery and personnel, and within 25 hours they settled 96 kilometers north-west from Sagara Tealwoods. Detailed movement tracking didn't stop there and we managed to confirm about 61 laborers, 28 infantry troops and 4 armored vehicles.

Honestly, I expected more surveillance, knowing the Directorate. I had a briefing with the other In Libertas Victoria brigadiers in Sagara, and under normal circumstances we would have joint forces and tried to free as many laborers as possible. Unfortunately, most of the Libertas here were still on high alert due to that Vheiran destroyer class airship seen patrolling the coastlines. You know, westians have been playing tricks lately and, especially here in Sagara where we're not exactly armed to the teeth or mindlessly trained, we all couldn't afford to get caught off guard.

Me and my Sentinels though were not enough to lead a surgical strike on the excavation site. It would have been a massacre, not sure on which side, but our goal was to free those people and kill as few hostiles as we could.

Regrettably, there was an alternative option: request aid from the Blockade 845 from the nearby Guila Junction. All the Libertas brigadiers discouraged me from doing so. I was almost convinced not to ask for any help and not to act whatsoever, until I received another report few days later. A very specific report on the laborers at the settlement.

My reaction was perhaps a little too impulsive, and I immediately radioed the Guila Junction frequency, requesting additional troops. They complied, and mobilized a limited fireteam. Better than nothing and likely enough, I thought, as those from the Blockade are ordinarily more trained and better geared than our fighters.

11 days later, the Blockade was at Sagara's gates, and I made acquaintance with Sezgin Galdha, who introduced himself briefly as "Marshal of the Revolution". I never trusted the Blockade as freedom fighters saviors of our people, but I saw no other option than to give them some credit.

It looked like marshal Galdha took the leadership as soon as he entered Sagara, and I didn't like it, but he had some kind of sinister charisma in his words, it was quite intimidating actually, but most importantly he had veteran snipers under his command, key to strike surgically as I planned from the very beginning.

Calculations and mobilization were made quickly, I was in first line myself, we hit hard and struck fast. But as soon as the real operation started, I got the worst of feelings. Marshal Galdha and his men pushed themselves a little too far, engaging the Directorate surveillance troops entirely. Our losses were low: Sazgin lost a marksman, while I lost three volunteers and Chanrad, communication technician - may they rest in the Keeper's grace.

When we closed in though, it became clear that Sazgin wasn't there to free anyone. He shouted few concise orders. "Get them collaborationist traitors and execute on sight. Take no prisoners. Leave no survivors." - not even the time to scream "NO!" and all his henchmen surrounded me and my fellows. "Traitors of our people, land and nation have been given a chance already. These individuals made a conscious choice, now they shall pay by the sword for siding with the oppressors. On behalf of freedom, commander Herrera, I won't let you stop us from doing what should righfully be done for the greater good. These turncoats will not flock our ranks anymore. I assure you can and will thank me later."

I confronted him head on, no matter how many guns were pointed at me, but I've soon been grabbed and blocked, with no other words.

I cried, while I saw innocent personnel being murdered without any sense of guilt.

Our daughter Alindra was among them.